Monday, December 14, 2009

Daily Times recently published my article “Wanted – Leaders with Integrity” uncut on their editorial on Wednesday 9th December 2009.

As always an excerpt of it is on this blog and the full article link is given below.

Wanted: Leaders with Integrity
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
By Andleeb Abbas

Leaders with integrity are an endangered species in Pakistan; in fact they are almost on the verge of extinction. The painful process of seeing the same faces shamelessly denying proven facts, making promises which are broken as a matter of routine, and continuing to use and abuse their political positions has become an agony the public can no longer bear. The fact that the president of this country has merrily and unabashedly announced that his position gives him amnesty despite the lapsing of the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) is an admission of the fact that his title is the only thing saving him from prosecution; this ‘exemplary’ leadership has set the pattern for many of his ministers to follow.

Here is the link to the full article:

Full Article


Mustafa said...

I think it's high time for people of Pakistan who have knowledge and resources at their disposal to speak out and present a unanimous front against the blatant high-handedness of the powers that be. I find the article apt and highly-needed.

Zeeshan said...

Thanks :) It’s a very well written obituary of Pakistani political system and politicians.

We have thieves, thugs, scoundrels, muggers, looters, smugglers, drug sellers, cheaters, killers, extortionists, blackmailers and mercenaries as the leaders of this country. What else should we expect from them but a day light robbery like NRO?

Thanks anyway.

Taha said...

Only sixteen attempts of murders by Shoaib Bhukhari, his age & party position expect much more. After all he is a provincial minister & also a member of MQM Central Coordination Committee, What if he is of age 72 !

I agree with the writer in most of its content but she must have to admit and highlight the culture of Political victimization in the Country too.

Political victimization of MQM in the era of 90s is a fact. MQM is still ready to face each & every case in the court of law, like they have faced some very popular charges against them in past and proved themselves guiltless. Hakeem Saeed, Major Kaleem, Salahuddin or National Flag cases are very much popular around the country, and all proves to be only conspiracies against MQM, to defame it nationwide.

In addition MQM’s stand on NRO was very sound and clear.
To understand MQM’s NRO I suggest you read an article I found on MQM’s website.

Samira Javed said...

Very candid article. Unfortunately integrity and values have gone out of fashion. In our part of the world it will be a miracle if we get to see leaders who could make us feel proud as a nation.

Fahd Khan said...

A good insight but first we need to build institutions where such 21st century leadership mindset can be developed and nurtured.

We can write hundreds and hundreds of such lines but those who should be reading this, do not bother to read. Hence we are here................

Unknown said...

great article you have put in words what most of us have thought of
however please do keep in mind what about the other corrupt persons like bureaucrats,armed forces,government officials,etc etc
people with integrity will only come forward if history and rules will protect them from humiliation and jails

Salman Yazdani said...

Wow! How true and how so audacious – one definitely needs strong character and courage to write so candidly.

Two questions remain in my mind: what about all those judges who let these cases prolong for years in their courts? And what about those law enforcement agencies that let these CRIMINALS run away from the law for such a long time? Because of these delays the culprits had a chance to take advantage of NRO.

I think first of all these INVOLVED judges and bureaucrats should be brought to justice otherwise it will be only another injustice with the whole society.

Unknown said...

Very right. Very courageous. The disease is omnipresent. It has permeated every shpere of our society. The more one cheats, steals, lies, usurps the higher he can grow in Pakistan. A honest, dedicated, sincere and patriotic person has no chance to climb to the top. The powers tha be have so distorted & twisted the sytem that the latter is just gobbled up by the system.

Keep it up.Regards.