Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Managing Your Boss

Change Yourself rather than expecting the boss to change- Two people in the world are never wrong, the customer and the Boss. Donot expect him to change for you, you will have to change first to make him change for you. Thus the recommended attitude is to treat the boss as a difficult customer who is going to complain and crib, but who needs to be marketed skillfully, so that he buys your ideas thinking that they are really his own.

Understand his highs and Lows- Get to know what makes him rant and what makes him rave. Understand when, how and where to feed his hobbies and interest. If he likes golf or cricket make sure that you stir up the topic and thereafter become an animated listener. He will take an interest in your interests if you take an interest in his interests.

Adjust your Style-If he is a numbers guy talk and present with logic and facts; if he is philosophical guy get into anecdotes and examples. Use his language and vocabulary and give him the credit of teaching you new ways of professionalism.

See the good in the bad- If he is a tough boss look at how tough and strong you are becoming to deal with such a difficult boss. Learn to look at his strengths rather than weaknesses and understand that growth comes only if two people are different. If two people are the same, learning and growth stalls; thus take a cheerful note of a good thing you have learned from him, rather than just scowling over his flaws.

Earn his Trust- Work on becoming his trustworthy partner. Whenever he comes up with a new task, instead of resenting, have a “why not attitude” to convince him of your ever readiness to go along with him into areas of uncertainty. Eventually he will become dependent on you and will accede to your requirements knowing that he cannot do without you.


Anonymous said...

Quite True !

Shahid Aslam said...

hese 5 points amount to submitting to Boss i.e.Sir Jee Policy... Managing means to manage expectations and make your boss step forward and be flexible, by you being credible.

Anonymous said...

Assalaam Alaikum,
Maam this atricle is so useful specially for people like me.

Thank you so much for writing these guidelines for us,


Nadeem Farhat Khan

Anonymous said...

Excellent tips.Thanks Andleeb

Sajid Ahmed said...

WoW.......... it is a great work and help provided by Madam Andleeb. She described an important matter with a very positive & impressive way.

If, I want to take the knowledge/competence from my boss who is hidden in his heart & mind (he is same like a baby-boomer boss), than I am not sure that these 5 quotient guidelines to manage Boss shall be sufficient. But I am sure that in this way I can remain close to my Boss and then my interpersonal skills shall help me to take the hidden knowledge/competence from my Boss.

Madam Andaleep, thanks a lot for sharing such a nice piece of knowledge.


Sajid Ahmed

Anonymous said...

Assalam o alikum Mam,
From all of the article, which i concluded is that "Managing your boss is actually managing yourself".But you know,in a country like Pakistan,where we have to cope with bosses with sometimes not upgrade in knowledge & with fear of leg pulling.The D.N.A of pakistani people whether my boss or i am, have got an Ego factor to large extent.Sometimes we have to keep quite inspite of the fact that you are thinking better 7 differently than your boss just because of the fact that your boss may not become against you.So, apparently by keeping yourself quite you are managing your bosss but in long terms you are killing your inner & innovative thoughts. Now a time when you will become boss, you will take these habbits with you as well, as you have put all your efforts in making your boss happy,you know "Managing your boss".So, what should be its remedy.I think you should include one more points alongwith these points, which is "Make your influence on your collegues".I mean to say by it is that, if your boss fears from you that you may not become harmfull for him, he may ask your collegues about your personality.He want to judge you that whether you will become a fear for him or not.The eaiest way to avoid this fear is to make good relations with the people most close to your boss.As they act as walking repute builders for you infront of your boss.You have got better knowledge than i have.But i am unvailing another perspective, which is true in our society whether in politics or in organizations.Do tell me whether i m right or not.


Anonymous said...

i just want ask one think, if boss is habitual of wrong doings and play games with organization team structure, how can someone coordinate with him.

you wanted that the person should ruined his personality in order to do the job and follow the boss which eventually add another corrupt top slot.

Your article is just perfect if we consider the economics law (all things remain constant).
Anyway good attempt to support the current bosses and business structures.

Muhammad Talha Khan.
12th feb 2010

Anonymous said...

Thats really true......