Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sweet & Sour

Tne News recently published my article 'Sweet and Sour' here is an excerpt of the article

Sweet and Sour

Saturday, November 07, 2009
By Andleeb Abbas

When lawlessness becomes the law, then it is the rule of the jungle, which says might is right. The government is using its political muscle, the judiciary its legal muscle, the industry its financial muscle and the public its vocal muscle to get what they want. However, the combined might of the politicians-cum-industrialists have overpowered the judiciary and the public resistance so far.

The apathy and indifference of our power brokers to the deprivation and desperation of the people was exposed by the lip-service hypocrisy displayed on the shocking stampede of 20 women in the drive for getting a free morsel of food in a charity food giving drive during Ramazan. This event just portrayed that conditions in this country are on the verge of a huge reaction, which keeps on manifesting itself in violence and terrorism not only in remote areas but in each and every mind and body, which has been pushed to a level of murderous frustration.

Here is the link to the full article:


Zeeshan said...

Great work Andleeb.

Mir Taqi Mir Said:

Mir kya sada hain beemar howay jiske sabab

Is hi atar ke londay se dawa laitay hain !

The problem solvers are part pf problem in fact problem creators in this society. We are a morally bankrupt society....

Good Job!

Khalid said...

Well,,, we all, as individuals, are to be blamed for these conditions. We have never been able to reap from good opportunities. I may sound cruel in saying that Stampede in getting Atta is our own fault as we never try to form que and just "Rush" at every thing we need to get. Sorry for such comments but if peopple can organize themselves, many problems can be at least minimized.
Same is the case with our textile industry.The employees only kept their own interests rather than industry and resultantly we are suffering at the hands of owners, govt policies and global crisis.
Khalid @ GAP Pakistan office