Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Weekly Debate

From now on i will add weekly debates in my blog.

This Weeks Debate:

Are leaders born or made?

Please share you views in the comments below.


Unknown said...

For effective leadership the right blend of attitude is essential that's mostly by birth but more over its the essence of time which sharpens their talents & skills thus making realize to the society at large that they are leaders.

MMHassan said...

I agree with Sher to some extent. However I would also like to add that it is the environment which grooms leaders.

Leader in general is a person who is least dependent on others and most dependable in time of need.

People born in areas where conditions are tough for survival (physical/intellectual competition) generally generate more leaders.

Sehr said...

I believe leaders are made. It is the environment, the circumstances that influence the personality of an individual.

Nauman said...

In my humble opinion, I think, it comes naturally. The instincts are natural but they grow with time and then environment plays its part in placing that energy in the right direction.