Thursday, June 23, 2011

‘True’ colours

'‘True’ colours' published on Sunday,June 19, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

‘True’ colours
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: June 19, 2011

The problem with being politically myopic is that most of our politicians cannot see beyond the present and the immediate. The government has failed to realise that such acts of declaring and then disappearing are costing them their credibility in a big way

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Devolution or dissolution?

'Devolution or dissolution?' published on Tuesday,June 14, 2011 in Pakistan Today. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Devolution or dissolution?
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: June 14, 2011

Devolution is the vehicle through which the government tries to legalise its irresponsibility.If education is expensive try ignorance. This saying proves tailor made for those who have been entrusted with the charge d’affaires of the most crucial element missing in the country, education. The federal budget 2011 as usual gave a cursory importance to education.

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Monday, June 13, 2011

Economics of war

'Economics of war' published on Sunday,June 12, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Economics of war
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: June 12, 2011

The Americans have discovered that war is a short term strategy to boost their huge defence industry and scare the world into believing in their superpower might, but they keep on getting lower and lower in the ranks of nations which are to be looked up to

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Monday, June 6, 2011

Who cares?

'Who cares?' published on Sunday,June 5, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Who cares?
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: June 5, 2011

The PML-N’s philosophy of banking on the mood of the hour rather than a solid principled stance has cost them a huge dent in their vote bank. With a history of doing these emotional big bang activities with little impact, they have added to the economic ruin of the country

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Thursday, June 2, 2011

The ‘chief’ degradation

'The ‘chief’ degradation' published on Sunday,May 22, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

The ‘chief’ degradation
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: May 22, 2011

The leader’s philosophy and conduct reflects what the mindset of the organisation is. Thus the IMF’s leadership style and conduct is perhaps the reason for the IMF having the reputation of an institution that is more of a destroyer of the independence of small and weak economies rather than a builder of countries in the hour of need

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Open to attack

'Open to attack' published on Sunday,May 29, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Open to attack
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: May 29, 2011

The fact that a bunch of terrorists could take on the total force of our armed forces and escape to destination unknown depicts how paralysed the state and its institutions have become

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