Monday, February 21, 2011

Integrity loot sale

'Integrity loot sale' published on Sunday,February 20, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Integrity loot sale
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: February 20, 2011

The media that has played a pivotal role in creating awareness in the country has gone overboard on Raymond Davis’ case. TV channels and their star anchors have latched on to this opportunity for snatching viewership from one another with gimmicks, which have become boring

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Friday, February 18, 2011

Lost and not found

'Lost and not found' published on Sunday,February 13, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Lost and not found
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: February 13, 2011

The World Bank report on poverty in Pakistan has not been allowed to be published. The report highlighted the decrease in poverty from 39 percent to 22.5 percent from the year 2006 to 2008 while in 2008 to 2010 it has spiralled once again

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Monday, February 7, 2011

Uprising virus

'Uprising virus' published on Sunday,February 6, 2011 in DailyTimes. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Uprising virus
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: February 6, 2011

Hosni Mubarak is a special personal assistant to the US in obeying their commands on Israel’s peace pretence with Palestine. In return, he has been gifted with generous aid dole outs that, like all other dictators, have enriched him and his family and have impoverished the country

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The fear factor

'The fear factor' published on Sunday,November 14, 2010 in DailyTimes. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

The fear factor
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: November 14, 2010

Bomb blasts and target killing aside, food insecurity has stolen the limelight from energy security. With no law, no rule and no path available for catching wrongdoers, it is an open invitation to loot and kill

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The midlife crisis

'The midlife crisis' published on Sunday,November 7, 2010 in DailyTimes. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

The midlife crisis
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: November 7, 2010

As the midterm election tempers the political climate into a more realistic balance, it will give time to Obama to rethink and reshape his approach and strategy to deliver better on the promise of a prosperous and peaceful US he committed to the public to get into power

Click Here for the rest of the article.

Size Matters

'Size matters' published on Sunday,January 30, 2011 in DailyTimes. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Size matters
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: January 30, 2011

With no direction, no accountability and no vision, the country is in a chaotic destruction zone of all that is right and good. The ‘declare, deny and dismiss’ strategy of the government as well as the opposition has made them ideal targets for political blackmail

Click Here for the rest of the article.