Monday, September 5, 2011

Corruption unlimited

'Corruption unlimited' published on Sunday,August 28, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Corruption unlimited
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: August 28, 2011

Regardless of the importance of the job and regardless of the competence of the person, all you need is to be in the good books of the president or the prime minister and you are heading ministries and industries you have no clue about

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All the president’s men

'All the president’s men' published on Sunday,September 4, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

All the president’s men
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: September 4, 2011

It has become a society on the edge, always ready to erupt, always looking for reasons to fight and rebel. But, unfortunately, the fights are all for the wrong reasons and causes

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Civilisation lost

'Civilisation lost' published on Sunday,August 21, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Civilisation lost
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: August 21, 2011

The UK has the highest number of teenage pregnancies in the world. If girls are having babies at such a young age, it is but natural that the children of such single mothers are bound to have serious social disabilities and a strong tendency for violence and disorder

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Priority number one

'Priority number one' published on Sunday,August 7, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Priority number one
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: August 7, 2011

The process of problem solving should be pretty straightforward in Pakistan. Everybody knows that a complete indifference to the socioeconomic conditions of Pakistan is why Pakistan finds itself where it is

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The spirit of independence

'The spirit of independence' published on Sunday,August 14, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

The spirit of independence
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: August 14, 2011

Fear and insecurity are the cancers of independence. When you think twice or thrice about coming out of your house, and when you revel in talking negative and bashing any talk of hope as misguided idealism, you have lost the ability to feel free

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Charity begins at home

'Charity begins at home' published on Sunday,July 31, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Charity begins at home
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: July 31, 2011

Remember, the PPP stood for democracy, rule of law and the party of the common man. However, the damage done to the PPP brand by being oblivious the clamour of the public to give some heed to the devastation on all fronts is almost fatal now

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The invisible hand

'The invisible hand' published on Sunday,July 24, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

The invisible hand
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: July 24, 2011

The ‘foreign hand’ theory has been so old and antiquated that the mere mention of it raises mocking eyebrows even before the statement is out

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Back and beyond

'Back and beyond ' published on Sunday,July 17, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Back and beyond
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: July 17, 2011
The trait of a failing leadership is its constant denial of reality. It is amazing how the government representatives constantly and consistently claim that things are fine

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The unholy alliance

'The unholy alliance' published on Sunday,July 10, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Money ill spent
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: July 10, 2011

All these alliances, no matter how disgusting they may seem, are always shrugged away as all being fair in politics and war. However, this is not always true. The time for traditional politics is over and these parties must understand that the emergence of the non-traditional politician is on the rise

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Money ill spent

'Money ill spent' published on Sunday,July 3, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Money ill spent
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: July 3, 2011

Obama’s use of online social networks opened up that political process to anyone who cared to join, made it easy to participate, and by doing so, created a fundraising machine that could practically print money

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Down and Out

'Down and out' published on Sunday,June 26, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Down and Out
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: June 26, 2011

With so much focus on bringing other parties down, none of these parties realise that they lower themselves much more in the process. What the public is sick of is hearing about how damaging the other party is and how the present problems are a result of the bad policies of each of their opponents while in power

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

‘True’ colours

'‘True’ colours' published on Sunday,June 19, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

‘True’ colours
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: June 19, 2011

The problem with being politically myopic is that most of our politicians cannot see beyond the present and the immediate. The government has failed to realise that such acts of declaring and then disappearing are costing them their credibility in a big way

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Devolution or dissolution?

'Devolution or dissolution?' published on Tuesday,June 14, 2011 in Pakistan Today. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Devolution or dissolution?
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: June 14, 2011

Devolution is the vehicle through which the government tries to legalise its irresponsibility.If education is expensive try ignorance. This saying proves tailor made for those who have been entrusted with the charge d’affaires of the most crucial element missing in the country, education. The federal budget 2011 as usual gave a cursory importance to education.

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Monday, June 13, 2011

Economics of war

'Economics of war' published on Sunday,June 12, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Economics of war
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: June 12, 2011

The Americans have discovered that war is a short term strategy to boost their huge defence industry and scare the world into believing in their superpower might, but they keep on getting lower and lower in the ranks of nations which are to be looked up to

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Monday, June 6, 2011

Who cares?

'Who cares?' published on Sunday,June 5, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Who cares?
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: June 5, 2011

The PML-N’s philosophy of banking on the mood of the hour rather than a solid principled stance has cost them a huge dent in their vote bank. With a history of doing these emotional big bang activities with little impact, they have added to the economic ruin of the country

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Thursday, June 2, 2011

The ‘chief’ degradation

'The ‘chief’ degradation' published on Sunday,May 22, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

The ‘chief’ degradation
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: May 22, 2011

The leader’s philosophy and conduct reflects what the mindset of the organisation is. Thus the IMF’s leadership style and conduct is perhaps the reason for the IMF having the reputation of an institution that is more of a destroyer of the independence of small and weak economies rather than a builder of countries in the hour of need

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Open to attack

'Open to attack' published on Sunday,May 29, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Open to attack
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: May 29, 2011

The fact that a bunch of terrorists could take on the total force of our armed forces and escape to destination unknown depicts how paralysed the state and its institutions have become

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Till death do us part

'Till death do us part' published on Sunday,May 15, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Till death do us part
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: May 15, 2011

Being accountable for their own actions is only a value people with self-respect possess. Unfortunately, our leaders have gotten away with such unpardonable crimes before that they are very confident that this will also be a passing atrocity the people of this country are too lazy to pursue

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Monday, May 9, 2011

The beginning of the end?

'The beginning of the end?' published on Sunday,May 9, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

The beginning of the end?
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: May 9, 2011

Pakistan is an ideal country for Obama to make some impact to boost up his completely lacklustre tenure where his strategies to revive the economy or to win the war in Afghanistan have completely failed

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Monday, May 2, 2011

'Power' crisis

''Power' crisis' published on Sunday,May 1, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

'Power' crisis
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: May 1, 2011

As the budget approaches, the government finds itself short of partners who may support a budget that is further going to crush the already squeezed public. To make up for this shortage the government is thus busy buying loyalties of the unfaithful

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Call to duty

'The ‘Call to duty' published on Sunday,April 24, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Call to duty
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: April 24, 2011

The call to conscience is deafened by the call to seek the easy way out. While most people struggle to choose between the call to duty and call to conscience, the leaders of our top parties have flagrantly shut their ears to any call at all

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Monday, April 4, 2011

The president’s speech

'The president’s speech' published on Sunday,April 3, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

The president’s speech
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: April 3, 2011

The president and his men must realise that the impact of the content depends on the intent behind the content. No amount of well-worded verbosity can make up for intentions not above board

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Friday, April 1, 2011

Parliamentary legitimacy

'Parliamentary legitimacy' published on Sunday,March 27, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Parliamentary legitimacy
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: March 27, 2011

As the foundations of democracy get weakened by the strong arm tactics of the powerful, the difference between autocratic and democratic rule becomes blurred

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Monday, March 21, 2011

The great escape

'The great escape' published on Sunday,March 20, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

The great escape
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: March 20, 2011

The Americans, rattled in the beginning by the stand of the country against giving diplomatic immunity to Davis, soon discovered that the decision makers of this country know only one language and i.e. money

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

War for prosperity

'War for prosperity' published on Sunday,March 13, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

War for prosperity
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: March 13, 2011

The US may be revamping the financial sector and restructuring the auto industry to revive the economy, but to revive the defence industry the only strategy is to make the world more frightened, vulnerable and scared

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'Spot-fixing' published on Sunday,March 6, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

By Andleeb Abbas
Date: March 6, 2011

Any money that is not earned from a process of income generation is equivalent to a robbery. As the sources of cash flows dry out, the fatal strategy of printing more money to make do is being recklessly exercised

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Men without substance

'Men without substance' published on Sunday,February 27, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Men without substance
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: February 27, 2011

Decision-making done on criteria based on who can show off the best allegiance to the leaders is a sure method of nourishing incompetence and
non-performance. Such decision-making is always going to backfire in the long run

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Integrity loot sale

'Integrity loot sale' published on Sunday,February 20, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Integrity loot sale
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: February 20, 2011

The media that has played a pivotal role in creating awareness in the country has gone overboard on Raymond Davis’ case. TV channels and their star anchors have latched on to this opportunity for snatching viewership from one another with gimmicks, which have become boring

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Friday, February 18, 2011

Lost and not found

'Lost and not found' published on Sunday,February 13, 2011 in Daily Times. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Lost and not found
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: February 13, 2011

The World Bank report on poverty in Pakistan has not been allowed to be published. The report highlighted the decrease in poverty from 39 percent to 22.5 percent from the year 2006 to 2008 while in 2008 to 2010 it has spiralled once again

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Monday, February 7, 2011

Uprising virus

'Uprising virus' published on Sunday,February 6, 2011 in DailyTimes. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Uprising virus
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: February 6, 2011

Hosni Mubarak is a special personal assistant to the US in obeying their commands on Israel’s peace pretence with Palestine. In return, he has been gifted with generous aid dole outs that, like all other dictators, have enriched him and his family and have impoverished the country

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The fear factor

'The fear factor' published on Sunday,November 14, 2010 in DailyTimes. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

The fear factor
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: November 14, 2010

Bomb blasts and target killing aside, food insecurity has stolen the limelight from energy security. With no law, no rule and no path available for catching wrongdoers, it is an open invitation to loot and kill

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The midlife crisis

'The midlife crisis' published on Sunday,November 7, 2010 in DailyTimes. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

The midlife crisis
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: November 7, 2010

As the midterm election tempers the political climate into a more realistic balance, it will give time to Obama to rethink and reshape his approach and strategy to deliver better on the promise of a prosperous and peaceful US he committed to the public to get into power

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Size Matters

'Size matters' published on Sunday,January 30, 2011 in DailyTimes. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Size matters
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: January 30, 2011

With no direction, no accountability and no vision, the country is in a chaotic destruction zone of all that is right and good. The ‘declare, deny and dismiss’ strategy of the government as well as the opposition has made them ideal targets for political blackmail

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Future imperfect

'Future imperfect' published on Sunday,January 23, 2011 in DailyTimes. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Future imperfect
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: January 23, 2011

The government’s ability to be decisive and action oriented has been reduced to a laughingstock. Their inability to power through with their decisions to enforce any new legislation has suffered serious setbacks due to differences with their friends and foes

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Competing for dishonour

'Competing for dishonour ' published on Sunday,January 16, 2011 in DailyTimes. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Competing for dishonour
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: January 16, 2011

Democracy has been politically short-circuited many times in the past. Both the PPP and PML-N have had two year stints to manage the country twice before and have made a mess of it each time

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Wrong 'rights'

'Wrong 'rights'' published on Sunday,January 9, 2011 in DailyTimes. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Wrong 'rights'
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: January 9, 2011

How do you prevent the ritual from overtaking the spiritual? The right thing is to look at the common teachings of all religions, as they are surely the principles that have indisputably been proved as the true ways to live

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

To hope or not to hope

'To hope or not to hope' published on Sunday,January 2, 2011 in DailyTimes. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

To hope or not to hope
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: January 2, 2011

The real reason for worry is the corrupt and inefficient leadership that, despite being openly accused of bankrupting the government and having policies detrimental to national security and economic stability, will continue to run under the guise of a misplaced perception of safeguarding democracy in Pakistan

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The dragon smirks

'The dragon smirks' published on Sunday,December 26, 2010 in DailyTimes. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

The dragon smirks
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: December 26, 2010

The fear is not that the Chinese may not fulfil their promises but that our own government may, due to their insatiable greed, once again go on a rampage of kickbacks and payoffs and crush yet another opportunity for revival

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Artificial ingenuity

'Artificial ingenuity' published on Sunday,December 19, 2010 in DailyTimes. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Artificial ingenuity
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: December 19, 2010

The poor, who have no access to law and justice, merit and fair play, find themselves edged out by the rich who get things done instantly either through cash or connections. Such societies, impregnated with might ruling right, inevitably kill hope, creativity and positivity and become breeding grounds of cynicism, apathy and disbelief

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Wicked leaks

'Wicked leaks' published on Sunday,December 12, 2010 in DailyTimes. Below is an excerpt of the article along with the link below.

Wicked leaks
By Andleeb Abbas
Date: December 12, 2010

Our leaders have selectively believed in those few leaks that have favoured their own false claims and dismissed all others that do not tally with their self-aggrandisement

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